Contact El Stucker 

Elizabeth Stucker

Technical Designer & Theatrical Performer


Theatrical Performance 

Elizabeth Stucker studies at South Dakota State University and is pursuing their Bachelors Degree of Science in Theatre and Minoring in Performing Arts Administration. Elizabeth has performed in multiple productions throughout their collegiate and professional career. From roles large to small El has what it takes to make the most out of every production they're a part of. With over 7+ years of performing experience and 20+ productions Elizabeth Stucker is an award winning actor.

Technical Design

Elizabeth Stucker is well versed in multiple technical design positions, some of which include: Costume Designing Assistant Costume Designing, Head and Assistant Wardrobing, Scenic Designing, Paint Charging, House Managing, and Box Office Ticket Sale Associate Work. El is a passionate technical artist that shines through their unique and original designs. Though their main area of expertise is Costume Design, El excels in any technical area with their passion and creativity.



The following images are a complied list of production photos which Elizabeth Stucker has designed, acted in, or assisted with. All Images are taken by Jared Morneau, Olivia Davis, Klara McElroy, Emily Weber, and Kelsey Werpy at South Dakota State University's Theatre and Dance Department/Prairie Repertory Theatre/Maine State Music Theatre. 

Do You Need to Contact Elizabeth Stucker?

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